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Monday, December 03, 2007

Baseball Pitches Illustrated

自從看了MLB後,就不知不覺變成球迷了XD。但對於不同投手的許多球種,依舊霧煞煞。我在Lokesh Dhakar的網頁看到他用簡單的幾張圖介紹幾個常聽到的球種,清楚易懂,與大家分享。主要focus在:

  • 快速球: Four-seam, Two-seam, Cutter, Splitter, and Forkball
  • 變化球: Curveball, Slider, Slurve, and Screwball
  • 變速球: Changeup, Palmball, Circle Changeup

或許不懂棒球的人會覺得這麼多怎麼可能都記得住,但其實每一位投手所擅長的球種都只是這些其中的一部份而已,如王建民擅長的是sinker, slider, changeup, forkball等;而松板大輔擅長forkball, four-seam fastball, changeup, cutter, curveball等。對於球種的識別,最簡單的方式有以下三種:

  • Speed(球速)
  • Movement(球的飄移): the general direction the ball is moving
  • Break(變化幅度): a sudden shift in direction
除此三種,其他還有一些可識別球種的細微觀察,如ball rotation(球的轉速), point of release(釋球點), and grip(球的握法)等,對於入門者,這邊就不詳加介紹了。另外,以下圖中的進球點並不影響球種喔!

Four-seam Fastball (四縫線快速球)
Sinker (伸卡球)
85-100 mph
80-90 mph
  • Fastest, straightest pitch. Little to no movement.
  • Also known as a two-seam fastball.
  • Moves downward, and depending on the release, will sometimes run in on a right handed hitter (RHH).
Cutter (卡特球, 切球)
Splitter (指叉球)
85-95 mph
80-90 mph
  • Breaks away from a right handed hitter (RHH) as it reaches the plate.
  • Mix of a slider and a fastball. Faster than a slider but with more movement than a fastball.
  • Breaks down suddenly before reaching plate.
Forkball (叉指快速球)
Curveball (曲球)
75-85 mph
70-80 mph
  • Like a splitter, but with a less dramatic, more gradual downward movement.
  • Commonly called a 12-6 curveball. The 12-6 refers to the top to bottom movement (picture a clock with hands at 12 and 6).
Slider (滑球)
Slurve (滑曲球)
80-90 mph
70-80 mph
  • Breaks down and away from a RHH.
  • Between a fastball and a curve.
  • 11-5 movement. Similar to a curve but with more lateral movement.
Screwball (螺旋球)
Changeup (變速球)
65-75 mph
70-85 mph
  • 1-7 movement. Opposite of the slurve.
  • Slower than a fastball, but thrown with the same arm motion.
Palmball (掌心球)
Circle Changeup (圈指變速球)
65-75 mph
70-80 mph
  • Just like a changeup, this pitch is slower than a fastball, but thrown with the same arm motion.
  • A changeup with 1-7 moment like the screwball.

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